Current Location

Stuart is currently in Paris, France

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Bringing my technology gear

We're down to 5+ days until we leave for Paris. My normal mantra is to "pack light," and we could do it even for our two-month stay if I weren't planning on writing while there. Three media outlets have already expressed in articles while I'm there (Yea!), and so I need "gear" to make that happen. I'm also planning on developing the structure for my fourth travel-based mystery novel, Art Thefts in PARIS. I can't do that without "stuff."

Starting from the top left and going by "rows:"
cell phone charger (not shown is the requisite cell phone, aka "mobile" in Europe)
digital camera battery charger
digital camera USB cable
laptop power cord
16GB thumb drive for photos; wireless mouse (with USB connector)
camera mini-stand
flip video camera
digital camera case (duh, I need the camera to take the photo)
AAA and AA spare batteries
laptop computer
continental Europe plug adapters
3-prong-to-2-prong adapters

I'm sure there will be more I think of, and I 'll add it to the "pile." So you can see why packing light doesn't always work when you're planning to do some work while on vacation.

I'll certainly be posting photos while in Paris; feel free to tell your friends about my travel blog and my newsletter (sign up at -- they're not always the same information.

Safe travels!


1 comment:

  1. Might I suggest a power strip? We usually take one, especially on cruises.
