Current Location

Stuart is currently in Paris, France

Monday, July 16, 2012

Packed and Ready to Go!

It's just shortly after 6 PM here in Boise, Idaho, and my first flight takes off in about 19 hours. I'm all packed for the cruise, and it's a bit scary how much stuff I'm taking. One of my mantras (and a key travel tip) is learning how to "pack light." Well, that's just not happening for this "working trip."

As usual, I laid everything out on the bed in the spare bedroom, and decided that it was probably too much for the 24" (lightweight) Rick Steves piece of luggage. So I went to the basement and brought up a 26-incher. That thing alone weighs about 15 pounds. Well, I was able to pack everything into it, but when I put it on the scale  -- yikes! It was around 75 pounds. So it was back to the 24" and the 21" carry-on (that I'm checking however).

So why do I have so much, and why didn't I "pack light"? Even though that big suitcase weighed a lot, I still had "work things" I'm talking that I wouldn't have if this were just a pleasure cruise -- books to give away; cards (handy travel tips and speaking like a local) to hand out during each presentation; all the computer and other tech items; "proper attire" for the presentations -- it seemed to add up fast.

Here is where having lifetime "status" on the airline comes in handy. I never pay for checked bags, and so I'll check those two, and just take the backpack with my laptop computer (the one I'm using right now as I sit on the patio and watch the birds play), my iPod and Bose headphones, a couple of books, and something to write on if I get inspired. Overall, it's only about 14 hours total, counting the layover in Chicago, so it's actually a pretty fast trip to get from Boise (not the easiest place to fly from) to Amsterdam.

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